Tuesday, December 7, 2010

blog 14.

One main thing in english 103 that was different than most of my previous english class's is the fact that we had the option to talk with the professor about the grades we received and why. Back in high school, most people would just accept the grade that they got. Granted, we had class everyday so there were more chances to bring our grades back up. All in all, if i had to decide a grade i should receive for the the first semester then it'd be a solid B. I attempted all the blog postings and turned them in on time. My attendance wasn't too bad as well; i missed 2 days for the whole semester. The one thing that i know was my downfall would be the writing of papers. I have quite a big problem with procrastination and I'd wait till the last couple days to start diligently working. That is what hurt the most. I have a problem with sitting down and not doing anything but writing. That is what I am for sure going to have to work on for the next 3 or 4 years of college. Though, I have learned alot when it comes to writing papers. The way we were taught to divide our paper and focus on just the intro or the conclusion. It really helped and I know i will use this stradegy on my papers to come.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog # 13

I have yet to get started on my final portfolio, but i am planning on making that a goal to get done on Sunday. I have been thinking about he setup of my website and I think that I am going to make a separate page for each complete paper.(final and rough drafts) I'm pretty confident that i am going to be putting my blog postings all on one page. My organizational skills are quite prominent so i don't think that i will have too much of a problem with that aspect of this project. I want the people viewing my page(probably just you) be able to know where everything is and why it was done how it was. During senior year, I took web design for a semester and because of my experience i hope that can come up with an appealing website. I have yet to actually start my final portfolio, but I'm planning on using a consistent font and color that is easy to read. Also, use some graphics that go along with stuff already on the page. In order to make my page personal I'm thinking about putting a page that tells something bout myself. It seems normal on someones personal website so I think it'd be necessary for this project.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog 12

Writing weekly blogs have given me more personal narrative practice. These have further allowed me to express what I am feeling and being able to put it down in words. I've been able to stay with writing my on my blog every week so that repetition could help in any future job that requires tasks turned in weekly. Throughout my academic career I know i will be required to write many essays in all types of classes, so the three research based papers have only positively helped me. The emphasis that you put on your teaching when going over rhetorical analysis and its entirety seems very beneficial for my education, as well. Though, the most beneficial thing that i found in class was when every week we would go over the readings in such depth that we'd bring up interesting discussion almost every time. Looking back, I would have to say that my best writing was my rhetorical essay. I felt as if i gained a lot by writing that specific piece, even though i was graded lowly because my lack of turning it in on time. This was my best writing because there were so many different details that i had to write about over one advertisement.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog 11..

My junior year English CB would be ranked #1 for the most demanding class. We were assigned many of papers throughout the year, but there was one project thats very memorable. There was just about 9-weeks left in the year and we were separated into groups of four. From then on, once a week our group would have to present a 20 minute presentation on given reading. This forced everyone to meet amongst themselves and develop solid presentation. The material would usually be divided into a section for the author, plot, setting, and the characters. Each individual person in the group would then go over their specific part in depth. At first, these presentations seemed like they were going to be a negative, but actually positively helped my public speaking skills. A few of my concerns when working with others are there almost always is one person that doesn't contribute what they were expected. This can hurt not only their grade, but the groups as well. The benefits include; being able to have more than your own opinion on the project, and less personal work to be done.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog 10

When I went about writing the beginning to our Inventing Arguments Essay, I started from scratch. Technically, I researched my topic a little bit to get a grasp on what i needed to write about. This technique seemed to work well for me, so far. I was able to get the first three pages done easily and without any trouble. My only hope is that I will be able to finish the last two pages as easily and effective. After looking into my topic more and more I became aware of a lot of facts I didn't know about steroids and its use in sports. My biggest concern would have to be making my argument powerful enough for my side. I want readers to be able to understand where I'm coming from and why I am doing so. To address this, I'm going to make sure I have enough interesting information to keep the readers engaged and for my side of the argument.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cited Material

    In 1994, recreational bodybuilders attending a Welsh needle-exchange clinic completed a survey on feelings of hostility/aggression. Subjects reported significantly higher feelings of aggression towards objects, verbal aggression and aggression during training.  During the 6 to 14 week AAS period, other changes included significantly higher feelings of alienation, irritability, anxiety, suspiciousness, and negativism. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog #9

Life support, I am arguing that if a patient is not able to live on his own indefinitely then he should not be kept on life support.  I just decided this persuasive topic while in class today so i have not found any resources to back up my statement.  I feel as if i know and heard of different situations that have gone on causing much controversy on who is to pull the plug?  There really shouldn't be any reason to keep someone on life support when there is absolutely no way in that person recovering and being able to live on their own.  A lot of the information that i know on this topic has came from the TV, specifically News programs.  I have also heard a lot about this from my family.  Some people argue that there could be a cure to be discovered and that would be able to help the patient, but if the patient is not kept alive then he cannot be saved.  The intended audience for this piece is anyone who has or does know someone living on life support.  It will help those people on life support and the doctors.  Those are the peoples minds i want to change, too.



Monday, October 25, 2010

McCallister's Deli

I worked at McCallister's Deli down in Myrtle Beach for just about a month.  What i actually had to do in the job wasn't the part that i disliked but a combination of different things.  My job description entailed; bussing tables, washing dishes, and preparation of food.  The situation i was in forced me to work at a different store on different days, just depending on what store needed more help. Another thing that added on to this bad experiment was the hours that i worked.  To some it may not be that bad, but I worked monday through thursday 8-4.  I see this as a bad shift only because it knocks out just about your entire day.  By the time I got done showering and eating, it was almost 6 pm.  This would be depressing to me because it would always be night time when i could go out and do something recreational.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog 8

    After reading the Elizabeth Bohnhorst exert, I was opened up to more of the advantages that computers can create in education.  Though, Bohnhorst researched this topic very in-depth, and she pointed out that there are many disadvantages when incorporating technology too soon with young children.  This made me think about if I really believe technology should be available everywhere at anytime in schools.
    If there were fewer computers in the classroom it would allow all of the students to have a chance to research on the internet, yet still learn necessary information from the teacher.  It'd be beneficial to the education process if there would be a designated time  for students to be on the computers, and a certain time to learn the "old school way" with no distractions.  Having unlimited access to computers could definitely interfere with learning. There are way too many distractions on a computer alone, especially having the internet available.  The possibilities are colossal, unless the administration tries blocking certain types of things on the internet.  Still, at my school we found a way to get past the website blocks, so I'd think that other schools could too.  As a nation, I think that students would be forced to listen to what the teachers have to say.  In effect, the actual understanding of certain material would be better overall.  You are still going to have the students that fail no matter how things are.  In retrospect, having fewer computers in the classroom will allow students to stay more focused on what is being taught not what they are "googling."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

blog #7

This type of an english class has been completely different than any of my previous classes. The way that the class is setup is just almost the complete opposite of a high school english class. Even though we get participation points for just being in class, its still quite tough.  For myself, it's hard to actually stay focused and sit down to write the essays we are assigned.  Now that I am in college, it is entirely up to me to take the time to actually write, unlike in high school where we had study hall.  The easiest thing  in this course would have to be  keeping track of homework assignments.  Having a course schedule tells me what I have to do and when it is due.  This makes it a lot easier to stay on top of weekly assignments.  So far, my writing process is the same from what it was in high school, but I can see it changing very soon.  This class's writing assignments are brand new to me and my writing style.  I hope that in a couple more essays I can see my style start to change. My sentence structure is one of my flaws that I want to be able to improve throughout this semester, too.  I want to learn how to write a paper without having to go back and change my sentences to make them seem better fit.  Being confident with my writings is another thing that i want to  be able to overcome, also.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog 6.

EBSCOhost:Will Work for Free., Kerry. America, 7/5/2010, Vol. 203 Issue 1, p23-26, 4p, 1 Color Photograph, 1 Illustration, 1 Chart. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&hid=107&sid=3e5205ae-ed9c-43a4-94ae-4bbd7b7b2c8f%40sessionmgr112&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=51741157>

    This article goes talks about the volunteer rate increasing year by year. It shows that there are definitely people in the world that want to help others.  After reading this article, one should be aware of being less selfish and more selfless.

    I will use this source in my paper to help demonstrate how volunteering is the "right" thing to do.  My hope is to help people understanding volunteering and what it can consist of.  If people are aware that there are organizations, for example, the Red Cross, then people will attempt to become more involved in volunteer efforts.

EBSCOhost: FOR WHOM CAN MONEY BUY SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING? THE ROLE OF FACE CONSCIOUSNESS. of Social & Clinical Psychology; Mar2010, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p322-346, 25p, 1 Diagram, 2 Charts, 1 Graph. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=12&hid=107&sid=7e46b1f7-bfef-4ed6-b0c4b4229ed1bdb6%40sessionmgr112&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=49165638>

    In this article, they are trying to find out of the money has anything to do with a person's well being.  To figure out this question, they do a study with college students.  By looking at their results, they came to believe that having a high face consciousness tend to have financial stability.

     I fully tend to use this article to let the readers know about money and what effect it has on people.  I want to figure out why it makes the world go around, and why you cannot live without it.  By comparing it to the ad that I picked out, I want to compare it to what money is to this day.  Money can be looked at in different ways and I intend to show that in my essay.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 5 Bloggg

When it comes down to researching for a paper, I tend to always go straight for the computer.  The internet has just about anything that you want, even books are converted to the computer.  My process starts with  me typing a keyword from the topic, and then searching until I find a reliable source to gather my information. It could depend on what the assignment was, for example, if I was supposed to research any given president then I would most likely open up an encyclopedia.  Still, I think that the internet is the most beneficial because its the fastest.  It is pretty much instant gratification.  Having to deal with going somewhere to pick up the book you specifically need for an assignment is just way to much work for me.

I would definitely say that  http://www.wto.org/ is the real website.  This is what I  decided, because things seemed to be up to date on this one, unlike the other.  It took a longer time to load this page, which usually shows that there is more information there.  The one key factor that led me to believe that the other site is false is when I click on a couple links on it, i was taken to compose an email.  That seemed odd enough to make me believe that it's false.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 4 Blog!!

In my opinion, I think that the word rhetoric means to communicate with anyone or anything in a way that makes sense.  It involves three different subgroups in appealing to the audience: logos, pathos, and ethos.  The way that we write and talk constitutes as rhetoric.  The actual process you go through of getting a speech put together or writing a paper identify the use of rhetorical information .  If I were to conduct an rhetorical analysis then I would start of by checking the creditability of the paper.  Then, moving on to the actual narrative, I would ask to look over the message and see if it conveys what the main point is and if it conveys it or not.  The audience is a prime factor in checking the paper, rhetorically.  I should ask what feelings the writer wanted to express.  It is about the language too and how he went about writing it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 3 Blog

To me, the purpose of college is to broaden your education beyond what high school curriculum can do.  There is no doubt that it is to prepare one for their career choice, that is why you go into a specific major.  After a student takes the necessary general classes then he goes to specialize in his career choice.   I think that is how everything is in the world now, most people become skilled in one specific thing.  Though, socializing is also a key factor in college.  People meet new and different people who they never would have thought to be friends with prior to college.  It's also part of growing up.  If i wasn't to have came to college then I probably wouldn't even know how to wash my own clothes yet.  Little things like that are what you learn by being independent.  If I had to pick the ideal classroom setting then it'd have no more than 50 students and a professor who isn't the same old boring type that you'd think.  His or her teaching techniques I'd want to be different and not just the same thing every week.  As for how classmates interact, well I would just want them to be open and know that we're somewhat all in the same boat.  I would only want assignments on random days, not something every single day.  Spacing out big assignments and such would be very helpful to myself and I'd say others as well.  When us, students, are given the choice what to write on and what to do, then we usually are more open minded when it comes down to actually doing the assignment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 2 Blog

It is always very important to ask the stated questions when reading just about anything.  If I was to read a book, newspaper, magazine, web blog, digest, or anything else there is to possibly read, then I would want to know what I'm reading is actually what I think it is. I'd want to be fully aware of the reading.  When I'm actually reading, I tend to lean away from using a highlighter only because I don't usually have one on hand.  Therefore I most often just underline or draw an arrow to key words or sentences that i want to go back and check out.  If it is a text book, I sometimes write down the page number on a separate piece of paper to make sure I remember it.  In the past I haven't really done the whole write in the margin thing, though, I'm going to be starting that habit this year.  When reading a specific subject, I would prefer it to be something that I find interesting, but for the most part, I can retain it even if it is not my cup of tea.  There definitely are some cases when I cannot focus at all on a given reading, such as not having anything to do with my life or that I find somewhat interesting.  Re-reading is a great tool that i utilize quite often.  If there is any type of distraction going on around me then I sometimes lose my focus and am forced to read the reading again, and again until I feel I understand completely.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Past Paper-Posting 1

It was the beginning of my senior year and I was already upset with the world because I was stuck with the hardest senior English teacher, Mrs. Hamrick.  I knew what I had ahead of me for the next year and had no enthusiasm about it.  A month or two into the school year, she assigned a compare and contrast two page paper.  My reaction was what it would have been to any type of paper she assigned, annoyed.  I was annoyed because we had to write a paper within 4 days when no other classes had such an assignment. What else should I have expected, right?  During that time of my life I was way into playing Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360.  Therefore I chose to write my C + C essay on Xbox 360 versus Playstation 3.  Being the procrastinator that I am, I didn't start writing my essay till the night before it was due.  It wasn't because i was dreading it, I just always put things off like that until the last minute.  Doing so forces myself to stay focused on the task at hand an not wonder off as much.  The night kept getting later and later and eventually it was early morning already and I was still on my laptop, either attempting to write the paper or wondering off into cyber world. It was a good thing I had my music to keep myself awake or I would have been out a long time ago. 2 a.m. just approached when I decided to call it quits at about a good two pages.  Not necessarily the best two pages I've ever written, but good enough for this me at that point. The feeling of being done felt great and the agony was finally over, except I couldn't do anything but pass out on my bed in relief.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First assignment

  • working throughout high school - Working at a couple different places gave me a sense of independence.  Working and going to school did two things for myself.  It allowed me to earn my own money and therefore be able to spend it on whatever i wanted. Juggling both also made me aware of time management and not to waste my own time.  This is significant because it forced me to grow out of my immaturity somewhat and become an adult.  There were people that I met while working that I would not have been introduced to if I hadn't decided to work.  The money that I made was, for the most part, saved to use later on in life.  Now that I am a freshman in college i have a job on campus.  I would probably not have been self-reliant enough to pursue getting a job if i hadn't had one previous to now.  My earnings from years before  are now allowing me to buy my books, supplies, and everyday items, which my parents wouldn't have been able to afford.  One of the jobs that I had was in SC.  This let me go somewhere that I had never been to before.  I experienced alot for the first time because of it, such as; going to an ocean, leaving my parents longer than a couple days, and again being more independent.  My sophomore year, my friend and I created our own business of lawn mowing.  My friends dad knew quite a bit of high up people in our community, therefore we were quite successful. Meeting of new people and earning a lot of money were the benefits of that job.  
  • friends and family
  • death of uncle